Raw milk in Kent, Washington, US
2 raw milk listings found in Kent, Washington
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Places to find raw milk in Kent, Washington, The United States
Sunshine Corners
Delivery LocationCow MilkA2 Cow MilkGoat MilkA2 Protein15220 152nd Ave SE # F
Kent, WA
US 98042-4036View Sunshine Corners's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Kent, WA by tapping into their profile page.
Heritage Family Wholesale - Drop Location
Delivery LocationCow MilkA2 Cow MilkGoat MilkA2 ProteinContact for details
Kent, WA
US 98042Delivery of raw milk, meat, eggs, cheese and other farm goodness in Washington. Every product that we sell, we have personally built a relationship with the farmers. We visit each and every farm and talk extensively with them about their practices. Whether it be the food the animals consume or the humane living conditions we come to expect from the farms we work with. Most of our farmers have organic practices and many are grass-fed. Please see our links to each one of their websites. We take great pride in knowing exactly where the food we consume comes from. We want you to know that if we won't eat it, we won't sell it.
View Heritage Family Wholesale - Drop Location's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Kent, WA by tapping into their profile page.
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