Jill from Little Red Hen drove the New Hampshire senate to legalize raw milk ice cream in 2022. Now her farm has raw milk ice cream on the menu.
Raw Milk Law Library
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If you're looking for legal advice, try the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund.
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- Sales Legal
On-farm or retail sales legal
- Restrictions
Herdshares or "pet food"
- No Sales or Herdshares
No-go zone for raw milk distribution
- United States
Federal law interferes with interstate commerce, however states can set their own laws to allow or disallow raw milk sales.
- Alabama
Raw milk sales are outlawed in Alabama, however there's no law against herdshares and raw milk can be sold labeled as "pet food" with a feed license.
- Alaska
Retail raw milk sales are legal for cow, goat, and sheep milk in Alaska. Permitting, labeling, and handling requirements are set in statute.
- Arizona
Raw milk is available at all Sprouts locations in Arizona. On-farm sales are also legal.
- Arkansas
On-farm raw milk sales are legal in Arkansas.
- California
Retail and on-farm sales are legal in California.
- Colorado
Raw milk is available in Colorado under herdshare agreements.
- Connecticut
Retail and on-farm sales are legal in Connecticut.
- Delaware
Raw milk sales are outlawed statewide in Delaware.
- District of Columbia
Raw milk sales are not allowed in the District of Columbia. Some herdshare associations deliver raw dairy products to their members within the US capital.
- Florida
Raw milk can be found on farms and in retail stores in Florida, labeled as pet food.
- Georgia
Raw milk sales are now legal on-the-farm for human consumption. Raw milk sold as pet food remains available on-farm or through retailers.
- Hawaii
Raw milk sales are outlawed in Hawaii, with recent interference from government officials reported.
- Idaho
Retail and on-farm raw milk sales are legal in Idaho.
- Illinois
On-farm raw milk sales are legal in Illinois.
- Indiana
Raw milk is available labeled as pet food in Indiana.
- Iowa
Raw milk sales are legal on-site for farms with 10 or fewer animals.
- Kansas
Raw milk on-farm sales are legal in Kansas.
- Kentucky
Raw goat milk can be sold on the farm if you have a doctor's note.
- Louisiana
Raw milk sales are allowed under the commercial feed license in Louisiana.
- Maine
Raw milk retail and on-farm sales are legal in Maine.
- Maryland
Raw milk can be sold under the label 'pet food' in Maine.
- Massachusetts
On-farm raw milk sales are legal in Massachusetts.
- Michigan
Raw milk herdshares are legal in Michigan.
- Minnesota
On-farm raw milk sales are legal in Minnesota.
- Mississippi
On-farm goat milk sales are legal in Mississippi.
- Missouri
On-farm raw milk sales and deliveries are legal in Missouri.
- Montana
Small cottage industry producers are now free to sell raw milk direct to consumer.
- Nebraska
On-farm raw milk sales are legal in Nebraska.
- Nevada
Raw milk sales are legal in the state of Nevada, so long as producers meet standards set forth by county raw milk commissions. However, no county has created a raw milk commission, therefore raw milk is de facto banned statewide.
- New Hampshire
Retail and on-farm raw milk sales are legal in New Hampshire.
- New Jersey
Raw milk sales are outlawed statewide in New Jersey.
- New Mexico
Retail and on-farm raw milk sales are legal in New Mexico.
- New York
On-farm raw milk sales are legal in New York.
- North Carolina
Herd shares and 'pet food' labeled milk are legal in North Carolina.
- North Dakota
Raw milk sales are legal on-the-farm for human consumption. Previously only herdshares operated in North Dakota.
- Ohio
Raw milk cow-shares are legal in Ohio.
- Oklahoma
Incidental on-farm raw milk sales are legal in Oklahoma. Incidental is not defined for cows, but for goats up to 100 gallons per month.
- Oregon
On farm sales of raw cow, sheep, or goat milk are legal, while retail sales of goat and sheep milk are legal in Oregon.
- Pennsylvania
Retail and on-farm raw milk sales are legal in Pennsylvania.
- Rhode Island
Cow milk is outlawed. Goat milk can be obtained with a doctor's note in Rhode Island.
- South Carolina
Retail and on-farm raw milk sales are legal in South Carolina.
- South Dakota
On-farm raw milk sales are legal in South Dakota.
- Tennessee
Raw milk can be obtained through cow-shares in Tennessee.
- Texas
On-farm raw milk sales and delivery are legal in Texas.
- Utah
On-farm raw milk sales are allowed in Utah, off-farm sales legal if store is owned by the producer.
- Vermont
On-farm raw milk sales and deliveries are legal in Vermont.
- Virginia
Raw milk commercial sales are outlawed, but can be obtained through herdshares in Virginia.
- Washington
Retail and on-farm sales are legal in Washington.
- West Virginia
Raw milk can be obtained through on-farm sales and herdshares in West Virginia.
- Wisconsin
Raw milk sales are outlawed in Wisconsin. Incidental sales are exempt, but restrictive. Read update for new hope.
- Wyoming
On-farm raw milk sales are legal in Wyoming. Delivery of raw milk directly from farm to consumer is also legal, including at farmers’ markets.
- Canada
Raw milk sales are outlawed nationwide in Canada.
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