Blueprints for your efficient homestead

Blueprints for your efficient homestead

Photo dump of diagrams, blueprints, books, and other materials for producing food on a small plot to get your creativity flowing.

Thanks to everyone who answered the call and sent these in via Facebook and Twitter.

100-Foot Farm

A Victory Garden for a Family of Five

Notice this olde infographic was issued by the Illinois State Council of Defense.

Uncle Sam Expects You To Keep Hens and Raise Chickens

A Homestead on One-Tenth of an Acre

Sustainable Backyard

Self Sufficient Backyard

Link to Ron and Johanna’s book

Half-Acre Farm

Doodle by Collin

Thanks Collin

Book: Self-Sufficient Life by John Seymour

Self-Sufficient Life by John Seymour via Thriftbooks

Self-Sufficient Life by John Seymour via Amazon

Continuation of his work by Will Sutherland

Seven Layers of a Forest Garden

Rabbits can be fed on

Growing Barrels Of Potatoes

How To Build And Use Your Potato Box

Concentrated mushroom farming in the forest

Vertical garden aquaponics diagram

Book: Vertical Gardening by Derek Fell

Book: The Ultimate Guide to Homesteading: An Encyclopedia of Independent Living by Nicole Faires

Ultimate Guide to Homesteading via Barnes and Noble

Ultimate Guide to Homesteading via Amazon

Have a Victory Garden

“Eat what you can, and can what you can’t eat.”

One acre family of four layout

One Acre Farm

Five Acre Farm

Live cycle flow diagram art

1943 Book: The “Have-More” Plan

The “Have-More” Plan (1943) via Thriftbooks

The “Have-More” Plan (1943) via Amazon

Infographic: How big a backyard do you need to live off of the land?

Optimistic, but still interesting.

Full resolution infographic via reddit

Sample groundplan for a small mixed farm design

Solitary farmer works his micro plot

“If you could show the cabbage that I planted with my own hands to your emperor, he definitely wouldn’t dare suggest that I replace the peace and happiness of this place with the storms of a never-satisfied greed.”

A quote from Diocletian, stated when he was begged to return to the throne. (Aurelius Victor, Epitome de Caesaribus 39.6)

tip jar is crowdsourced.

Free, no paywalls or subscriptions.

Keep this project going and growing.

milk bottle
milk bottle
milk bottle
dancing cow

Digital aurochs from Jonhangel

Made in Seattle πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
2018-2025 |
Inland Applications