Pennsylvania bill to expand raw milk product lists

Pennsylvania bill to expand raw milk product lists

Pennsylvania currently allows the sale of raw milk and raw milk hard cheese. This list of raw dairy products could expand this legislative session.

House Bill 2293 hopes to expand this list of legally marketable products in a bid to revitalize Pennsylvania’s dairy industry after its overtaking by the state’s poultry industry.

Watch the announcement on Instagram or Rep Zimmerman‘s Facebook page.

HB 2293 Memorandum:

We are seeing an ever-increasing consumer demand for organic and natural food products, including raw milk and raw milk products.

Under current Pennsylvania law, only raw milk and raw milk hard cheese can be sold with the appropriate permits. My legislation will allow holders of a raw milk permit to sell additional raw milk products provided they follow the Department of Agriculture’s regulations.

Please join me in promoting natural food and the sale of raw milk products.

Follow the bill’s progression here: Pennsylvania General Assembly HB 2293

Or on Legiscan: 2024 PA HB 2293

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