Delivery LocationCow MilkA2 Cow MilkGoat MilkSheep MilkA2 Protein
Near Market Street
Greenwood, DE
US 19950 Private buying club, owned by a regenerative Amish farm. Various drops in D.C. and Ocean City area. Products include raw cow, goat, and sheep dairy, meats, eggs, and many homemade goods. Included are 100% grass-fed raw A2/A2 Jersey cow's milk, cheese, butter, ghee, yogurts, kefir, ice cream, and much more; pasture-raised raw sheep's milk; pasture-raised raw goat's milk, cream, butter, cheese, kefir, yogurts, probiotic drinks, and more. Also makes the WAPF baby's formula. Other offerings include 100% grass-fed and grass-finished beef, lamb, soy-free heritage pork, pasture-raised soy-free chicken meat and eggs, pasture-raised soy-free turkey, maple syrup, local unheated honey, homemade bread, pickles and fermentations, goods in jars, juices and sodas, ancient grains and flours, pet food, condiments, and goat's milk soaps.
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