Raw camel milk found near 'Roanoke, VA'

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Raw camel milk locations near 'Roanoke, VA'

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Places to find raw camel milk

  1. Udder Milk Farm - Home Delivery Garrett County

    Delivery LocationCow MilkA2 Cow MilkGoat MilkSheep MilkCamel MilkBuffalo MilkA2 Protein
    Contact for details
    Garrett County, MD
    US 21550

    View Udder Milk Farm - Home Delivery Garrett County's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Garrett County, MD by tapping into their profile page.

  2. Buffalo Valley Pastures - Arlington VA Deliveries

    Delivery LocationCow MilkA2 Cow MilkSheep MilkCamel MilkBuffalo MilkA2 Protein
    Contact for details
    Arlington, VA
    US 22205
    This is a delivery area. For more info and to order raw milk directly to your home, visit their website or use the phone number listed.

    View Buffalo Valley Pastures - Arlington VA Deliveries's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Arlington, VA by tapping into their profile page.

  3. Buffalo Valley Pastures

    Cow MilkA2 Cow MilkSheep MilkCamel MilkBuffalo MilkA2 Protein
    114 Pumping Station Rd
    Quarryville, PA
    US 17566
    Home Delivery Options in: Baltimore MD, Washington DC, Arlington, VA and the surrounding areas. “We are your one stop shop for all water buffalo products. We have fresh, raw milk from our water buffalo and offer a full range of meat cuts. We believe in the power of great food and regenerative agriculture products to help heal and restore our bodies and communities. We love to serve you. Thank you for checking out Buffalo Valley Pastures.” View Buffalo Valley Pastures' location, social media, contact info, product list and all other info added to the map in Quarryville, PA by tapping into their profile page.

    View Buffalo Valley Pastures's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Quarryville, PA by tapping into their profile page.

  4. Udder Milk Farm

    Cow MilkA2 Cow MilkGoat MilkSheep MilkCamel MilkBuffalo MilkA2 Protein
    Contact for details
    Oxford, PA
    US 19363
    Private food club, apply for membership and place an order for delivery on their website.

    View Udder Milk Farm's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Oxford, PA by tapping into their profile page.

  5. Miller's Organic Farm

    Cow MilkGoat MilkSheep MilkDonkey MilkCamel MilkBuffalo MilkA2 Protein
    648 Mill Creek School Rd
    Bird In Hand, PA
    US 17505-9773

    View Miller's Organic Farm's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Bird In Hand, PA by tapping into their profile page.

  6. Artisan Acres

    Cow MilkA2 Cow MilkGoat MilkSheep MilkCamel MilkBuffalo MilkA2 Protein
    Contact for details
    Lititz, PA
    US 17543

    Artisan Acres is a small Amish-owned regenerative & organic family farm in Lititz, PA, north of Lancaster. They are living simply on the land, and seek to bring their health-giving, beyond-organic, revitalizing foods directly to your neighborhood, through their private buying club. They offer pickups at their farm, and drops along their routes.

    Their products include 100 percent grassfed A2/A2 raw dairy from cows, goats, sheep, camels, and water buffalo; soy-free / non-GMO pork, chicken, and rabbit; 100 percent grassfed and finished beef, water buffalo, and lamb; fresh never frozen meat; soy-free / corn-free / non-GMO chicken and duck eggs; sprouted seeds and nuts, ancient grains, sourdough and sprouted flour breads, raw unheated honey, maple syrup, healthy probiotic drinks, fermented veggies, ancient grains and flours, goat milk soaps, and more.

    "Our farming practices create a uniquely nutritious food which can build health (and in the process, restore our soils and give our animals a good life).

    Our cows are A2/A2 and 100% grass-fed, and our beef cattle are 100% grass fed & finished. Our chickens and pigs are all pasture-raised and fed local non-GMO, soy-free supplemental feed. The pigs even get skim milk! We never use chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, or vaccines.

    All of our foods are homemade or homegrown here at our farm, and we sometimes source items from trusted family or people in our community."

    View Artisan Acres's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Lititz, PA by tapping into their profile page.

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