Agromol was a dairy farm serving the people of Kharkiv in Ukraine. Their farm was bombed by the Kremlin’s military as the 2022 invasion began. Some reports state the Kremlin’s ground forces arrived after the bombing – just to shoot the cows.
Help identify culprits
Street gangs use graffiti to mark territory, similar to dogs taking a leak. Graffiti was left on the scene which may contain identifiable marks.

Transcription: Карелия (dead face) 10 rus
Карелия (Karelia) is the region of Russia that rubs up against the largest stretch of Finland’s eastern border.
If you recognize this tag, or any element contained in this graffiti, that may lead to identifying any individuals who participated in the attack on Agromol, let me know.
Update: October 28th, 2022
A news segment was released on September 16th, including an interview with Agromol Chief Agronomist, Serhiy Yatsenko.
Watch the report by Latifundist Media and RFD TV: News From Ukraine: Dairy operations are still feeling the aftereffects of Russian attacks Ukraine dairy farmers explain the devastation from the attacks and how it severely hurt their herds.
Update: August 30th, 2022
Most recent contact with the farmer I’ve heard of was posted on Facebook by Van Den.
The owner wrote me that : The village is currently occupied. Once freed from the occupiers, we immediately start analyzing losses, damages and the recovery process. Thank you, they will let me know when they release me
The “…when they release me” part doesn’t sound good. We know that Kharkiv was occupied by the Russian Federation’s military at the time.
Other reports have stated that soldiers arrived at the farm and began shooting cows after the bombing, corroborating the possibility that RF military personnel were on-site for some amount of time.
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Thanks to Jūrate for reading and searching in Cyrillic for me. You can submit more information to
We are Agromol
Agromol was a dairy serving Kharkiv.

Their website is down, here’s an archive link to
Agromol produced raw milk, kefir, pasteurized milk, and many other dairy products for the people of Kharkiv.
Here’s an archive link for their raw milk

Here’s an archive link for their kefir

They had two farm locations and served a number of stores in Kharkiv including their own Agromol Shop.
Videos of the farm before
From their YouTube channel: Агромол – з натурального молока (Agromol – from natural milk)
They were proud of their work.
They welcomed farm tours. This video shows a group touring their milking parlor, meeting their cows and calves in the winter of 2020.
They had a chef and posted recipe videos.
Agromol held events and put on farm shows for their community. Here’s a video from the maze at Agromol Fest, by Ukrainian drone pilot Ruslan Movchan.
Ukrainian farmers’ anthem This Eyelash was performed by Serhii Lavrenko at Agroshow 2021, last Fall.
This is what’s being targeted, bombed, “denazified,” and “purged of degeneracy” in Ukraine.
Delivery through danger
On the first days of the invasion, Agromol continued making deliveries into Kharkiv as bombs dropped on the city.
Locals report:
“During the first days of the war in Kharkov, Agromol was the only place where you could buy milk. We bought everything that was until the expiration date. They helped our children get through those early days!”
Very early on I started looking for Ukrainian farms to follow, along with some Russian farms, to get a view from the ground. I found Agromol.
At the time, they were only posting stories of lists of the drop off locations they were able to supply each day.

They’d post every day or so letting people know they were still bringing food into the city, until they didn’t.
Earliest footage of the attack
This may be the last video taken by Agromol.

Agromol was targeted
Some of the following images are graphic.
Facebook post from the group Роганский жилмассив. Решаем вместе!
STOV “Agrosvit”, a farm in the village. Shestakove, Vovchansky district (now Chuguiv district), Kharkiv region. The farm as of 23.02.2022 – 40 tons of milk daily, in total approximately 3000 cows (750 nettles, 1380 forage herd, 850 chicks up to 15 months. ) About 10% are alive, but there is no electricity, therefore no water. Guess the rest will not survive. As of today, the invaders have driven out all employees from the village. T. well. no one even to feed them. They walk on their own in the surroundings of the village. Disaster!
who can help ???
Van Den wrote on Facebook:
The owner wrote me that : The village is currently occupied. Once freed from the occupiers, we immediately start analyzing losses, damages and the recovery process. Thank you, they will let me know when they release me
Hundreds of cows were killed and left to waste. The farm’s building, equipment, and vehicles were destroyed.

You can see one cow standing alone in the wreckage next to her fellow cows, now dead.

Crater left by one of the bombs.

Cows in their stalls, feed present, slaughtered while they were eating.

Another cow in the wreckage covered in snow.

Mass grave of Agromol’s cows.

Video after the bombing
Eerie footage shows the quiet aftermath. A few surviving cows are seen standing, unsupervised and confused, surrounded by the rubble that once made up their home.

Agromol’s shop looted in Kharkiv
Later mentions
The Telegraph mentions Agromol in May 2022 while threading their article discussing the Holodomor.

Contained in this image’s description:
Vasili Kush walks through a farmyard amid the sound of regular nearby shelling, in the village of Mala Tokmatchka which he refuses to leave saying he has nowhere to go and that no one will take him because he is a farm worker, near the southern front of fighting between Ukrainian and Russian forces, south of Zaporizhzhia on April 23, 2022
Article from the tweet: 2022/05/19 – Telegraph – Vladimir Putin is trying to starve the world into submission – here’s how
2022/11/29 – El País – Ukraine’s farm of horrors: 2,000 dead cows and fields of anti-tank mines
2022/04/01 – – In the Kharkiv region, the invaders cynically shelled a dairy farm: creepy photos
2022/04/01 – – “The Russian orcs just took and killed all the cows on the Agromol farm. They fired at them with machine guns. Flayers, sadists,” eyewitnesses wrote.
2022/04/03 – – “Destroyed because the farm saved children”: in the Kharkiv region, racists shot dozens of elite cows
2022/04/03 – gralhix – Geolocating Cows in Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine
2022/04/04 – cripo – In the Kharkiv region, rashists destroyed a farm and killed dozens of elite cows (photo)
2022/04/05 – Project Syndicate – The Nonhuman Victims of Putin’s War
2022/04/07 – UAnimals – Shelling on a dairy farm чної
2022/04/16 – Euromaidan Press – “Russians are wrecking everything out of envy”: Ukrainian recalls harrowing escape, shares thoughts about Russia
2022/05/01 – Сергій Лисак / Дніпропетровська ОДА (ОВА) Telegram – Video of the attack
2022/06/05 – The Observers – Russian attacks on farms and silos ‘deliberately trying to destroy the Ukrainian economy’
2022/06/09 – CSIS – Spotlight on Damage to Ukraine’s Farms amid the Russia-Ukraine War
Story about a separate farm in Kherson: Russian soldiers run from Ukraine dairy farm
Also read: Ukrainian craft brewer Berryland bombed by Russia
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