Legalize off-the-farm raw milk sales and delivery in Oregon

Legalize off-the-farm raw milk sales and delivery in Oregon

Currently, on-farm raw milk sales are legal in Oregon, while off-premise sales are not. Friends of Family Farmers is working to help Oregonians access raw milk by legalizing off-premise sales like farmers markets, and more.

Join FOFF on December 8th, 2022 from 6-7:30pm for their online virtual event – InFARMation: Shouldn’t it be Easier to Buy Raw Milk? RSVP on their event page


From the FOFF website:

Oregon prides itself on being a state with happy cows, lots of cheese and a national presence in the dairy industry.  In reality our state has been losing dairy farms by the dozens in the last few decades because of the pressure to “get big, or get out” in the Grade A dairy industry. This type of dairy, which fills grocery store shelves but involves lots of licensing and processing equipment, is mostly full of farmers who sell their milk to more centralized creameries because of the cost of production. But what about the raw milk producers who can’t participate in that system? Here in Oregon, raw milk producers have existed in a legal limbo for too long and their liminal status keeps them from thriving. FoFF is bringing forward a proposal in the 2023 Legislative Session to expand opportunities and provide a pathway to farm viability for raw milk producers.

FOFF Policy Proposals

In 2023 and in future Legislative Sessions as needed, the Oregon Legislature should consider:

  • Off-Premise Sales – Permitting off-premises sales (such as in farmers markets and food hubs) and including delivery options of raw milk for licensed-exempt dairies.
  • Removing Cow Prohibition – Repealing the raw cow’s milk prohibition in ORS 621.116 to help remove barriers to accessing insurance for small dairy farms.
  • Training Access – Establishing a platform to report on raw milk safety training, risk analysis and testing standards for licensed dairies engaging in raw milk sales.


Friends of Family Farmers raw milk advocacy on the FOFF website, policy proposal full details

Shouldn’t it be Easier to Buy Raw Milk in Oregon? article by Brittney Deming of Friends of Family Farmers

FOFF Raw Milk Fact Sheet

Friends of Family Farmers Facebook

Friends of Family Farmers Instagram

Easy to share images to help propagate FOFF raw milk policy proposals:

Instagram link to the above FOFF raw milk advocacy images

Tap the following link to view the Oregon map of raw milk farmers.

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