Imitation milks contribute to the deaths of two people

Imitation milks contribute to the deaths of two people

Plant-based imitation milks contributed to the deaths of two people in August 2024. This reminds us that the illnesses attributed to raw milk are not unique – as these same pathogens can be delivered by foods other than raw milk.

Granted, this assessment was made through “genetic fingerprinting,” which is tenuous at best. They didn’t find a direct association, just “these bugs look like these bugs” as the standard for claiming a food made someone sick has apparently been lowered.

As of July 30, the outbreak included 18 patients: 13 were hospitalized, 2 have died. The patients were between 7 and 89 years old at the time.

One thing to note in possible errors in detection: doctors are quick to blame raw milk but may not even consider plant-based imitation milks to be a culprit in someone’s illness, so the number of affected people is likely higher.

Notice there’s no call for the end of imitation milks, or the company who produced the outbreak. Content producers who target raw milk with hatred and mockery, in league with large industrial food producers, have been very kind to these imitation milk producers – if they mention this outbreak at all.

The numbers of illness associated with initiation milks are low, as are the numbers of illness associated with raw milk. This isn’t reason to be concerned or paranoid about any carton of almond milk at the grocery store, but this is an acknowledgement of real food borne illnesses exist in all foods albeit in historically microscopic prevalence.

Wishing the affected a speedy recovery.

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