Raw milk sales now legal in North Dakota, where to buy

Raw milk sales now legal in North Dakota, where to buy

Image from Serenity Hill Ranch (Approximately 80 minutes from Bismarck, ND)

Raw milk sales legalized in North Dakota

Raw milk sales are now legal in North Dakota, previously distribution was only permitted through “herdshare” membership organizations.

Where to buy raw milk in North Dakota

Since herdshares were good-to-go, the existing farmers are now opening up to non-membership-bound, on-site and delivery commercial sales. Here are some farms listed on the global raw milk map right now. You can also use this website to search for raw milk near your town or city worldwide.

Raw milk near Bismarck

If you’re looking for raw milk farms near the state’s capital, you’re in luck, but you’re in for a drive. Tap here to find raw milk near Bismarck, North Dakota.

Raw milk near Williston and Minot

If you’re in Williston, you might be closer to a farm in Montana. Tap here to find raw milk near Williston, ND

Minot, on the other hand, has more options near the US-Canadian border. There are also a few farms a ways east of town. Tap here to find raw milk near Minot, ND

Raw milk near Grand Forks

Grand Forks has a farm north of town. Tap here to find raw milk near Grand Forks, ND

Raw milk near Fargo

Until more farms open up in the eastern side of the state, Fargo residents remain closer to raw milk farms in Minnesota. Tap here to find raw milk near Fargo, ND

North Dakota farms to follow on social media

Don’t take my word for it, follow some raw milk farms on social media.

The Home & The Herd is active on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Ryun’s LegenDairy is active on YouTube and Facebook.

3Twelve Farm is active on Instagram and Facebook.

Serenity Hill Ranch is active on Facebook.

North Dakota Department of Agriculture’s raw milk guide

Read the Raw Milk Guide For Consumers and Producers put out by the NDDA.

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