3D raw milk globe and map positioning updates

3D raw milk globe and map positioning updates

Few new features dropped to the raw milk website recently.

Raw Milk 3D Global Visualization

The raw milk map works about as well as it could, and it works great. I wanted to experiment with 3D modeling and see if the format could serve this purpose even better. Turns out, it really doesn’t – the size and loading time on running with photorealistic images is much greater than the mapping tiles currently featured on the map. Pretty cool to look at though.

The raw milk globe even has a light/ dark mode feature. Flip the switch!

All the dots are pulled directly from the database. This means the dots (shallow cylinders) on the raw milk globe represent all the listings stored in the database and will stay live and up-to-date with the database. I’ve made the dots clickable, leading into each farm or retailer’s listing page, but this leads to mis-clicks at higher altitudes.

I’m leaving it up on its own separate page ‘getrawmilk.com/globe‘ because it’s interesting enough to leave as an exhibit, even if it doesn’t replace the map. Maybe I’ll find a better-suited feature to implement the spherical format.

Map positioning now persists across page navigation

Since the map reloads every time it appears. This has led to frustration as visitors will search for raw milk in an area, click into listings and hit the back button only for the map to zoom out and reposition, reloading where it originally started.

Now the website saves your positioning information on your instance of the app and informs the map of your previous viewpoint when re-viewing the last map you viewed. This works for back-navigation as well as clicking away from the listing maps into the blog or raw milk law map then returning to the same map. List of maps supported:

  • Global Raw Milk Map (all listings)
  • Cow Milk Map
  • A2 Cow Milk Map
  • A2 Protein Milk Map
  • Goat Milk Map
  • Sheep Milk Map
  • Donkey Milk Map
  • Camel Milk Map
  • Raw Buffalo Milk Map
  • Near Me Maps
  • Search Maps

Original positioning can be restored by refreshing the page.

Scroll zoom configuration is also saved across page navigation.

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milk bottle
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dancing cow

Digital aurochs from Jonhangel

Made in Seattle πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
2018-2025 |
Inland Applications