Raw milk found 100 miles from 'Abersee, Salzburg, Austria'

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Raw milk locations 100 miles from 'Abersee, Salzburg, Austria'
50 nearest places to find raw milk
Seegut Eisl, family Eisl GmbH
Delivery LocationSheep MilkA2 ProteinFarchen 24
Abersee, Salzburg
AustriaOrganic farm Seegut Eisl at Lake Wolfgang in Austria organic sheep milk products ´EISL Bio-Schafmilch-Spezialitäten´ organic sheep milk ice cream ´EISL EIS´View Seegut Eisl, family Eisl GmbH's location, social media, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Abersee, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Mondsee Bio Milch
Delivery LocationCow MilkAchenstraße 5
Mondsee, Upper Austria
Austria 5310View Mondsee Bio Milch's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Mondsee, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Reiter Christian
Cow MilkSchratten 10
Abtenau, Salzburg
AustriaView Reiter Christian's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Abtenau, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Dorfkäserei Pötzelsberger
Delivery LocationCow MilkWaidach 27
Waidach, Salzburg
Austria 5421Cheese shopView Dorfkäserei Pötzelsberger's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Waidach, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Lienbacher Helga
Cow MilkUnterlangenberg 33
Kuchl, Salzburg
Austria 5431View Lienbacher Helga's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Kuchl, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Miesenbergerhof Familie Mayr
Cow MilkReichholz 21
Weyregg am Attersee, Upper Austria
Austria 4852View Miesenbergerhof Familie Mayr's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Weyregg am Attersee, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Hofkäserei Schmiedbauer
Cow MilkKreuzangerweg 15
Sankt Margarethen, Salzburg
Austria 5424View Hofkäserei Schmiedbauer's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Sankt Margarethen, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Gittis Naturprodukte GmbH
Delivery LocationCow MilkHalleiner Landesstraße 57
Oberalm, Salzburg
AustriaPöll Beteiligungs-GmbH & Co KGView Gittis Naturprodukte GmbH's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Oberalm, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Gebrüder Wörle GmbH
Cow MilkOberhofen 16
Oberhofen am Irrsee, Upper Austria
Austria 4894View Gebrüder Wörle GmbH's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Oberhofen am Irrsee, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Unterholzer Nikolaus Franz
Cow MilkReicherting 4
Hallwang bei Salzburg, Salzburg
Austria 5300View Unterholzer Nikolaus Franz's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Hallwang bei Salzburg, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Vöcklakäserei eGen
Cow MilkFellern 14
Pöndorf, Upper Austria
Austria 4891View Vöcklakäserei eGen's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Pöndorf, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Wiener OG
Cow MilkHötzing 2
Vöcklamarkt, Upper Austria
Austria 4870View Wiener OG's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Vöcklamarkt, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
SalzburgMilch GmbH
Delivery LocationCow MilkGoat MilkA2 ProteinMilchstraße 1
Salzburg, Salzburg
Austria 5020View SalzburgMilch GmbH's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Salzburg, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Käsereigenossenschaft Elixhausen
Cow MilkKäsereiweg 4
Elixhausen, Salzburg
Austria 5161Cheese shopView Käsereigenossenschaft Elixhausen's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Elixhausen, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Kirchgasshof Eisstadl
Cow MilkNeuberg 29
Neuberg an der Mürz, Salzburg
Austria 5532View Kirchgasshof Eisstadl's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Neuberg an der Mürz, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Mattigtaler Käse GmbH Seekirchen
Cow MilkKraiham 9
Seekirchen am Wallersee, Salzburg
Austria 5201View Mattigtaler Käse GmbH Seekirchen's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Seekirchen am Wallersee, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Eder Johann u Sabine
Cow MilkKufhausstraße 4
Pinsdorf, Upper Austria
Austria 4812View Eder Johann u Sabine's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Pinsdorf, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Cow MilkBuchberg 1
Mattsee, Salzburg
Austria 5163View Buchbergmilch's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Mattsee, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Hofmolkerei Staufer KG
Delivery LocationCow MilkAußerhörgersteig 2
Zipf, Upper Austria
Austria 4871View Hofmolkerei Staufer KG's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Zipf, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Verein Natur.bauern.hof
Cow MilkEgg 3
Frankenburg am Hausruck, Upper Austria
Austria 4873View Verein Natur.bauern.hof's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Frankenburg am Hausruck, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Gmundner Molkerei eGen
Cow MilkTheresienthalstraße 16
Gmunden, Upper Austria
AustriaView Gmundner Molkerei eGen's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Gmunden, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Stockner KEG
Delivery LocationAstätt 29
Lochen am See, Upper Austria
Austria 5221View Stockner KEG's location, social media, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Lochen am See, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Andreas Walkner GmbH Käserei
Delivery LocationCow MilkAsperting 8
Seeham, Salzburg
Austria 5164Cheese shopView Andreas Walkner GmbH Käserei's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Seeham, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Haas Josef und Rosemarie
Cow MilkMühlberg 6 / 2
Puchkirchen am Trattberg, Upper Austria
Austria 4849View Haas Josef und Rosemarie's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Puchkirchen am Trattberg, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Delivery LocationCow Milk4 Götschenweg
Bischofshofen, Salzburg
Austria 5500Milk vending machine. Bring your own bottle.View Milchautomat's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Bischofshofen, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Biofrischmilch Feldbacher
Cow MilkAchenlohe 5
Munderfing, Upper Austria
Austria 5222View Biofrischmilch Feldbacher's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Munderfing, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Preuner Franz - Schulmilch
Cow MilkHalt 2
Frankenburg am Hausruck, Upper Austria
Austria 4873View Preuner Franz - Schulmilch's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Frankenburg am Hausruck, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Höflmaier & Co. KG
Delivery LocationCow MilkKerschham 8
Lochen am See, Upper Austria
Austria 5221View Höflmaier & Co. KG's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Lochen am See, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Ferienhof Egglbauer
Cow Milk35 Am Feuersang
Flachau, Salzburg
Austria 5542There is no dispensing machine but Linde the farmer is happy to fill any bottle the clients bring with them!
View Ferienhof Egglbauer's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Flachau, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Pongauer Bio-Bauernladen
Delivery LocationCow Milk1 Ingenieur-Ludwig-Pech-Straße
Sankt Johann im Pongau, Salzburg
Austria 5600A small farm shop with fresh produce and raw milk in the fridge. Bottle deposit necessary for 0.5L or 1L glass bottles.View Pongauer Bio-Bauernladen's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Sankt Johann im Pongau, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
SalzburgMilch GmbH
Cow MilkEhring 20
Lamprechtshausen, Salzburg
Austria 5112View SalzburgMilch GmbH's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Lamprechtshausen, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Ziegenhof & Käserei Eigelsberg
Goat MilkA2 ProteinEigelsberg 5
Eigelsberg, Upper Austria
Austria 5251View Ziegenhof & Käserei Eigelsberg's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Eigelsberg, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Bauernhofeis Feuchter
Cow MilkTauplitz 223
Bad Mitterndorf, Styria
AustriaView Bauernhofeis Feuchter's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Bad Mitterndorf, Styria by tapping into their profile page.
Berglandmilch eGen
Delivery LocationOttenhausen 35
Ottenhausen, Upper Austria
Austria 5143View Berglandmilch eGen's location, social media, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Ottenhausen, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Molkerei Seifried Gesellschaft MBH
Delivery LocationCow MilkWildenauer Str. 11
Aspach, Upper Austria
Austria 5252View Molkerei Seifried Gesellschaft MBH's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Aspach, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
ALPI Milchverarbeitungs- und Handels
Delivery LocationCow MilkMolkereistraße 1
Ried im Innkreis, Upper Austria
Austria 4910View ALPI Milchverarbeitungs- und Handels's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Ried im Innkreis, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Schulmilch Reingruber
Cow MilkA2 Cow MilkA2 ProteinUnterm Berg 12
Inzersdorf im Kremstal, Upper Austria
Austria 4565View Schulmilch Reingruber's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Inzersdorf im Kremstal, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Leguna Nährmittel GmbH
Cow MilkBahnhofStraße 2
Mauerkirchen, Upper Austria
Austria 5270View Leguna Nährmittel GmbH's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Mauerkirchen, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein
Cow MilkTrautenfels 15
Stainach-Pürgg, Styria
AustriaView HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Stainach-Pürgg, Styria by tapping into their profile page.
Cow MilkContact for details
Sankt Martin bei Lofer, Salzburg
Austria 5092The farm has a dispensing machine next to the cow stable for 24hs a day 7 days a week self service. Clients come with their own bottle. 1 L milk costs 1€
View Lippengut's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Sankt Martin bei Lofer, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Käserei Stift Schlierbach
Cow MilkGoat MilkA2 ProteinKlosterstraße 1
Schlierbach, Upper Austria
Austria 4553View Käserei Stift Schlierbach's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Schlierbach, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Bio-Genossenschaft Schlierbach reg.Gen.mbH
Delivery LocationCow MilkGoat MilkA2 ProteinKlosterstraße 1
Schlierbach, Upper Austria
Austria 4553View Bio-Genossenschaft Schlierbach reg.Gen.mbH's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Schlierbach, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Leeb Biomilch GmbH
Delivery LocationCow MilkGoat MilkA2 Protein22 Hauptstraße
Wartberg an der Krems, Upper Austria
Austria 4552View Leeb Biomilch GmbH's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Wartberg an der Krems, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Gmundner Molkerei eGen
Delivery LocationCow MilkHauptstraße 43
Sattledt, Upper Austria
Austria 4642View Gmundner Molkerei eGen's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Sattledt, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Pinzgau Milch Produktions GmbH
Delivery LocationCow MilkSaalfeldnerstraße 2
Maishofen, Salzburg
Austria 5751View Pinzgau Milch Produktions GmbH's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Maishofen, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Wiesner Kochkäse GmbH
Delivery LocationCow MilkGewerbepark 1
Schlüßlberg, Upper Austria
Austria 4707View Wiesner Kochkäse GmbH's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Schlüßlberg, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Schwaiger Maria
Cow MilkWieden 2
Bad Hofgastein, Salzburg
Austria 5630View Schwaiger Maria's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Bad Hofgastein, Salzburg by tapping into their profile page.
Vorarlberger Käse Spezialitäten Lang GmbH
Kallham 158
Kallham, Upper Austria
Austria 4720View Vorarlberger Käse Spezialitäten Lang GmbH's location, social media, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Kallham, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Wiesi´s Naturküche
Delivery LocationCow MilkToiflweg 27
Wels, Upper Austria
Austria 4600View Wiesi´s Naturküche's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Wels, Upper Austria by tapping into their profile page.
Dankl Wolfgang Franz
Delivery LocationCow MilkLoanergasse 45
Piesendorf, Salzburg (state)
Austria 5721View Dankl Wolfgang Franz's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Piesendorf, Salzburg (state) by tapping into their profile page.
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