Raw sheep milk found near 'Williamsburg, PA'

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Raw sheep milk locations near 'Williamsburg, PA'

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Places to find raw sheep milk

  1. Udder Milk Farm - Home Delivery Blair County

    Delivery LocationCow MilkA2 Cow MilkGoat MilkSheep MilkCamel MilkBuffalo MilkA2 Protein
    Contact for details
    Blair County, PA

    View Udder Milk Farm - Home Delivery Blair County's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Blair County, PA by tapping into their profile page.

  2. Buffalo Valley Pastures - Dillsburg PA Drop

    Delivery LocationCow MilkA2 Cow MilkSheep MilkCamel MilkBuffalo MilkA2 Protein
    250 Carlisle Rd
    Dillsburg, PA
    US 17019
    This is a drop off location. For more info and to order raw milk, visit their website or use the phone number listed.

    View Buffalo Valley Pastures - Dillsburg PA Drop's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Dillsburg, PA by tapping into their profile page.

  3. Little Captain Creek Farm – Emmitsburg Pickup

    Delivery LocationCow MilkA2 Cow MilkSheep MilkA2 Protein
    Contact for details
    Emmitsburg, MD
    US 21727
    Offers 100 percent grassfed A2/A2 raw dairy from cows and sheep; milk-fed non-GMO pasture-raised pork; 100 percent grass fed and finished beef; and soy-free, non-GMO eggs. Little Captain Creek Farm is a small regenerative farm, owned by an Amish family living simply on the land. They seek to bring their beyond-organic foods directly to your neighborhood. They offer pickups at the farm in Thurmont, MD, and are considering drops in various areas. Because of the desire for a drop location in Emmitsburg, they are actively seeking a drop location in Emmitsburg. Please email - hello at littlecaptaincreek dot farm - if you are interested in being a member or in being a drop host.

    View Little Captain Creek Farm – Emmitsburg Pickup's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Emmitsburg, MD by tapping into their profile page.

  4. Little Captain Creek Farm

    Cow MilkA2 Cow MilkSheep MilkA2 Protein
    Contact for details
    Thurmont, MD
    US 21788
    Offers 100 percent grassfed A2/A2 raw dairy from cows and sheep; 100 percent grass fed and finished beef; milk-fed non-GMO pasture-raised pork; non-GMO, soy-free, corn-free pasture-raised chicken and eggs; garden produce; kombucha, and more. Little Captain Creek Farm is a small regenerative farm, owned by an Amish family living simply on the land. They seek to bring their beyond-organic foods directly to your neighborhood.They offer pickups at the farm in Thurmont, at a drop location in Frederick, and are considering more drops in various areas.

    View Little Captain Creek Farm's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Thurmont, MD by tapping into their profile page.

  5. Swiss Villa LLC

    Cow MilkGoat MilkSheep MilkA2 Protein
    1783 Prospect Rd
    Washington Boro, PA
    US 17582

    View Swiss Villa LLC's location, social media, product list, contact info, and all other info added to the map in Washington Boro, PA by tapping into their profile page.

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