History blog posts
Timeline of cow breed development
Overview of cow breeds on a timeline of when they were first introduced.
Dr “Mack” Schmidt rules pasteurization for interstate milk sales in 1973
The FDA’s 1987 ban of interstate raw milk sales was preceded by decades of discourse on how to regulate interstate milk sales.
NH: She wrote the law on raw milk ice cream
Jill from Little Red Hen drove the New Hampshire senate to legalize raw milk ice cream in 2022. Now her farm has raw milk ice cream on the menu.
John D Rockefeller brings pasteurization laws to the USA
John D Rockefeller lobbied for compulsory milk pasteurization, leading to almost a century of raw milk bans.
Victor Rothschild lobbies for milk pasteurization in England
Lord Victor Rothschild tries and fails to lobby for milk pasteurization mandates in the United Kingdom.
Pasteur never pasteurized raw milk
Louis Pasteur developed the principles behind milk pasteurization, not the methods of industrial gatekeeping or germophobia.
Boar’s Head factory harbors listeria in Virginia
Boar’s Head factory linked to an 18 state listeria outbreak, likely due to Trump era deregulation to boost big food producers.
Raw milk and avoidable failures in biosecurity
Raw milk deaths are exceedingly rare, but it’s not impossible. Let’s take a look at some cases where raw milk might have contributed to someone’s death.
Pasteurized milk couldn’t stop the largest dairy-related outbreak in history
Raw milk wasn’t involved in the largest dairy-related outbreak in history.
Utah Farm Bureau President slaps migrant worker for complaining about late pay
Industrial dairyman back-hands a migrant worker for complaining about late pay.