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Georgia Raw Dairy Act 2022, HB-1175, details and opposing arguments
Georgia’s 2022 raw milk bill, the Georgia Raw Dairy Act, is moving forward. Let’s take a look at what we know and the arguments against.
Recommended reading: How Big Margarine won its war on Irish butter
Margarine’s dark past of treachery and deceit written from the Irish perspective.
Maine voters pass ‘Right to Food’ amendment through referendum
Early November 2021 Maine voters passed through referendum the nation’s first ‘Right to Food’ amendment to the Maine Constitution. Here’s what it says, and what’s being said about it.
Michael Schmidt – Glencolton Farms raided for the fourth time – October 27th 2021
Michael Schmidt’s farm in Ontario, Canada, was just raided for the fourth time. Here’s what we know.
Blueprints for your efficient homestead
Photo dump of diagrams, blueprints, books, and other materials for producing food on a small plot to get your creativity flowing.
Idaho Department of Agriculture Raw Milk changes effective July 29th, 2021
Raw milk laws are changing in Idaho as part of Governor Brad Little’s Zero Based Regulation Executive Order. While “Zero Based” sounds a lot like something else we know a thing or two about, some of their changes appear to be more lenient.
The fatal fall of Aajonus Vonderplanitz, photos and context
Aajonus Vonderplanitz was a prominent figure in the struggle for food freedom. He met an untimely death after a fall on his property in Thailand. Here’s some photos and content from the time.
The Introduction of Mandatory Pasteurization in Canada
The first provincial laws mandating pasteurization (Ontario, 1930s) were introduced not in response to food safety concerns but as a marketplace strategy to eliminate competition from farmers who were selling milk direct to consumers
95% of Mongolians deemed lactose intolerant, yet dairy makes up 30-50% of their diet in the summertime
Alleged lactose intolerance doesn’t stop Mongolians from enjoying over 20 different dairy-based foods. Article by Harvard Magazine.
List of US states with more cows than people, numbers and ratios 2020
Nine states in the USA have more cows than people, let’s take a look at the numbers.
Photo dump: ancient Aurochs and breeding attempts to revive the wild cow
Like many domesticated animals, the cows of today descend from a wild breed. Let’s take a look at the ancient aurochs, the original wild cow.
List of raw milk books and other food-related literature
Literature about raw milk. Topics include historical and cultural context, recipe books, wellness and nutrition related texts, and helpful books on becoming a raw milk farmer.