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Raw Milk in Japan: there is only one farm, Omoiyari Farm, practicing in the far north
Article about Japan’s only legally available raw milk farm, Omoiyari Farm, found in the northern part of the island.
Can raw milk be frozen? Alternatives for medium-long term storage
Something about raw milk changes when you freeze it. Let’s take a look at what happens and some alternatives to freezing raw milk when keeping it fresh is unfeasible.
Start making raw milk kefir – acclimating kefir grains to thrive in raw milk
Most kefir grains are cultivated in pasteurized milk and need to be acclimated to survive the natural probiotics in raw milk. Here’s a how-to guide.
The Swill Milk Scandal and how raw milk became a scapegoat for big business
Bad business practices by newly industrialized concentrated dairies in the 19th century causes a surge of foodborne illness, and many deaths. Raw milk unfairly caught the blame.
How to get raw milk anywhere
Raw milk can be hard to access, depending on where you’re located, but you’re determined to succeed. Don’t let any petty legal or logistical concerns stop you on your search to get raw milk.
Randomized trial shows milk hydrates better than water, sports drink, beer, and more
Chart showing the hydrating effectiveness of a variety of drinks. They tested water, soda, orange juice, coffee, lager, something called “oral rehydration solution,” a few other liquids, and milk won out.
Food industry consolidation infographic
Infographic showing consolidation of the food industry.
List of countries with more sheep than people, numbers and ratios 2020
Of course, these numbers don’t include humans who drink plant based milks or those who trust the government for health and dietary advice. We’re counting a strict use of the term ‘sheep’ in this article.
List of enzymes found in unpasteurized raw milk
Let’s get to know some of the enzymes that are found in unpasteurized raw milk. These are the nutritional enzymes that lose most if not all of their nutritional value during pasteurization.
Biden picks “Mr. Monsanto” for Ag Secretary, let’s recap why Monsanto sucks
Biden has nominated Tom Vilsack, aka Mr Monsanto, for Agriculture Secretary. Let’s review why Monsanto sucks.
Game Changers athletes no longer vegan
Here’s a list of “vegan athletes” who have abandoned the vegan diet, gotten injured, have left their sport soon after, or were never actually vegan in the first place.
Canadian Raw Milk Hearings – November 2020
A constitutional challenge to Canada’s Raw Milk Ban will be heard in Canadian court November, 2020. Live-stream links and excerpts from Glencolton Farm’s (Michael Schmidt) GoFundMe page